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Have you ever walked into a surprise party organized secretly and specially for you? Many of us wait for people to surprise us, especially on our special occasions.

These kind of surprises are great. They make us feel loved and celebrated and we are touched by the thoughtfulness of the organizers.

There are however times when you need to surprise yourself. Surprising yourself in this context does not mean taking yourself out for a lunch by yourself or taking yourself out for a dinner all by yourself.

The kind of self-surprise I am proposing to you here is to ‘break your own record’ . Look at those things you believed you could not achieve, those heights you have erroneously believed that you could not attain then go ahead and break those ceilings of limitations and go beyond them- Surprise!

You can also surprise yourself by being intentional about the habits that have been holding you captive as if you can't live without them. Go ahead and surprise yourself by breaking away from those habits one after the other as you cultivate new habits.

Imagine a person who is neck deep in debt and feels helpless, who decides to make a habit of saving a portion of his or her earnings while committing to a debt repayment plan consistently. In a matter of time, not only will the debt get paid off, but the person will also have savings. By that, the person has surprised himself or herself by creating a new future full of possibilities.

There are many things you can do to surprise yourself. Can you think of something you can do or start today to surprise yourself?

Remember, the best form of surprise is self - surprise. Go ahead and surprise yourself today. You can do it! The question is, will you do it?

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© Bisola Mogaji.

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Writer's picture: Bisola MogajiBisola Mogaji

I’m not talking about charging your phone, I’m talking about charging yourself. The same way you recharge your phone when your battery is low, you should constantly sustain a full charge to enable you function optimally.

Consciously or unconsciously, we are constantly giving out affection, energy, ideas, wisdom, counsel, attention, and several energy-draining emotions in our daily lives and as such, we must be sure to have a source to replenish the lost energy.

One of the reasons why people lose taste and relevance while still alive is because they allowed themselves to be overdrawn without paying attention to recharge or replenish. You should not just have an output point in your life, you must also have an input point.

From where do you draw power, wisdom, knowledge, grace, mentoring, strength, counsel, and inspiration? Do you just give out all these without having a replenishing structure in place?

For as long as you are valuable, people will keep thronging you. Everyone will draw from you. But hey, don’t get it twisted, it’s not about you, it’s about the value or the gift you carry. Once they see that you are dry and empty, they’ll move on to the next valuable person.

To remain in charge, you must be charged.


Find your tribe where iron sharpens iron, get a mentor, get a coach, read good books, attend webinars and conferences to sharpen your edge and keep it sharp. Above all, read the scriptures. It’s quick, powerful and sharper that any two-edged sword!

This is a secret of retaining mastery and relevance in life.

Stay charged!

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© Bisola Mogaji.

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Writer's picture: Bisola MogajiBisola Mogaji

Many years ago, my friend and I were privileged to visit the then Nigerian Ambassador to UNESCO -Prof. Michael Omolewa- in Paris while on an academic trip.

I found prof. not only to be a polyglot but also a staunch believer in God. During our stay, we visited the Eiffel tower.

As we were about leaving that morning, he encouraged us (my friend and I) not only to visit the historical monument for selfies, but to attempt climbing to the very peak of the tower. I found the advice absurd at first because for me, visiting the tower alone was as good as it could get. He went on further to say “when you get to the very top of the tower, begin to prophesy God’s covenant of zenith over your life…” I chuckled silently because I did not see any correlation between a fun-filled excursion and prophetic prayers. To cut the long story short, not only did I get to the very top of the Eiffel tower that day against all odds, I knew something shifted in my mindset as I took in the breathtaking scenery while declaring over my life. An experience i will never forget!

In life, we will always have choices to make. We make our choices and our choices come round to make us. There will always be opportunities to settle for less or aim and stay at the peak. Many people run away from picking and pitching their abode at the peak. They love to settle for the bottom in life – in career and in business. Only few people dare to pick the peak.

Do you know that where you dwell determines your daily experiences? The experience of those at the top of the Eiffel tower in the experience I relayed above, will definitely be different from those admiring the edifice from the bottom of the tower.

For you to pick the peak, consistency, persistency, and diligence are required.

The peak is the top, the zenith, the mountain top and the place of visibility. Many desire the peak, but only few pick the peak by paying the demands it calls for.

Settle it in your mind that it is either the peak or the peak! Situations of life may position you at the bottom, but you don't have to settle there. The bottom is always a good place to start from, because ground zero itself is a level. The starting level, but never the place to stop.

The peak is picking you. I urge you to pick the peak.

Reach inward. Reach outward. Reach forward. Reach upward. Those are the routes to the peak. Break yourself free. Wave to those friends and associates who are not ready to pick the peak. Wave to them as you take your gallant steps to the peak in your area of endeavor. You don’t need a crowd, go alone if you have to. Others are waiting to welcome you.

Take a look at your daily decisions, are you picking the peak?

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© Bisola Mogaji

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