One major reason why many people have not started making progress is because they are still searching, researching, studying and analyzing what rules to follow to have success in life.
Well, it may interest you to know that the success principles that has existed from time immemorial are still the rules you require to succeed. Many of the new rules that are taught as new discoveries today are best described as new methods.
Laws and principles are constant. They do not change. The method may change, but principles are universal.
For example, for a car to move, you must kickstart it. That's the principle. The method of kick-starting the car may differ from one car to another. One could use a remote control, while another may use key or just a button. The principle is that, the ignition must be on for the car to move.
To succeed, stop waiting to discover new rules and principles. Align with age long principles that are tested and trusted. The same principle through which many have succeeded ahead of you. If you keep waiting to discover new rules and regulations before you start working and walking your way to success, you won't do anything and you won't become anything.
Below are some of the places where you can find these age long unchanging principles:
1. On the pages of the scripture – Across the pages of the scripture are timeless laws through which God sustains the world we live in. Do yourself a favor dig in an align your life with them.
2. Books- Good books help you experience how others have worked these principles and the result. A good book will save you from learning from your own mistakes and shorten your journey to success.
3. Past and present successful leaders- Success leaves clues. Pay close attention to those who are truly successful in the area you are considering. What principles have they worked and are working that are responsible for their success?
There’s no magic anywhere. There’s no new rule for success. All you need is within and around you!
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© Bisola Mogaji.