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"Clap for yourself" is what we say to little children when they do something commendable or impressive. It’s usually fun to watch them celebrate themselves with such delight.

It’s interesting we don’t tell adults to clap for themselves when they have met or exceeded expectation. We would rather clap for adults while we ask little children to clap for themselves.

Today, I want you to clap for yourself. Yes, unleash that child-like feeling of gratitude and enthusiasm. To all the Ladies out there, you are amazing. You have so many reasons to clap, celebrate, and cheer yourselves on.

√ For not giving up on yourself. CLAP for yourself.

√ For not giving up on your dreams despite all you encountered. CLAP for yourself.

√ For being intentional about your growth last year, CLAP for yourself.

√ For all the secret battles you fought and won. CLAP for yourself.

√ For all the bills you paid, and all the skill you learnt last year, CLAP for yourself.

√ For all the bad habits you replaced with good habits, CLAP for yourself.

The times you won and the times you learnt, the steps you took forward, and the steps you missed were all part of the ingredients required for your success this New Year..

I know you’ve already fastened your seat belt ready to start the race towards your goals this year but I chose help you take one last glance at last year, so you can draw strength for this New Year.

If God saw you through last year, He is more than able to see you through this year and beyond.

So, now that you have clapped for yourselves, please redirect the accolade to the author and finisher of the year 2023!

Rest assured He’s got you covered.


Written by:

© Bisola Mogaji.

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If someone tells you he/she has a ‘bigger fish to fry’, the person simply means he/ she has a more important matter to attend to.

Friends, we have done well for ourselves this year. We have achieved a lot in career, family and business. We have ticked so many of our goals and checked several boxes with smiles of accomplishment.

Awesome! These calls for celebration, gratitude to God, and some self-pampering. Yes you’ve done well!

In the midst of all the celebration and excitement however, bear in mind that, in the coming year, we have a “bigger fish to fry”. Greater goals and bigger visions and it starts now.

First, you don’t need anyone’s permission to dream, neither does it cost you anything to dream. It’s free.

Secondly, when you dream, dream big! Someone once said “big dreams attract big people, small dreams attract small people, and small people cause big problems”

Lastly, as you get your bigger fish ready, get yourself a frying pan big enough for your fish. This speaks to capacity. Be ready to develop the capacity required to bring the dream to life.

As the year draws to a close, take some time off to dream again. No matter how great your achievement was this year, there is always a greater level to attain.

What ‘bigger fish are you frying in 2023?

Written by

© Bisola Mogaji

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The expression ‘pull out one's hair’ means to be very worried and anxious about something.

As the year is drawing to a close and many people are taking inventory: counting their blessings, achievements, successes, promotions and every good thing that has come their way this year, it is not uncommon for people to share on their social media platforms. Some will post it just to appreciate God, motivate and inspire others, while others will share their posts for the sole purpose of intimidating others, make them feel unlucky, unfortunate or lazy.

Friends, as you take stock of your year this season, you may see some of your critical goals that are yet to be accomplished and anxiety may want to set in. Don’t be anxious.

You planned, prayed and applied your faith for breakthrough in your marriage, finances, health, business, and relationship and here you are in December, nothing has changed much. Rather, you hear a loud inner voice highlighting everything you are not and did not do right. Don't yield to this voice. Don't pull out your hair!

Be intentional about guarding your heart this season. Whatever can make you become bitter, envious, jealous and irritated at other's people’s successes and achievements is not serving you.

Nothing is worth dying for. Whatever you could not accomplish this year can be accomplished next year. As long as there’s breath in your nostrils, and God has allowed you to see the light of another day, there is hope. A living dog is better than a dead lion.

Resist the temptation to pull out your hair. Stay grateful.

It’s not over until God says it is!

Written by:

© Bisola Mogaji

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